Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm a bad hitchhiker

I have not packed my towel, I've not had five pints and two packs of peanuts... and I seem have to remind myself more than twice: "DON'T PANIC!" If you haven't followed the Douglas Adams references, there are words so much better than mine to be read. Seriously, go read it now.

Needless to say this is my first time in research, and it has been a good while since the last time that I have housed at school. Well, getting into research is only slightly less difficult than jumping into the middle of a Cirque d'Soleil act. It's just tough to not panic before you realize that the standard is a constant state of damage control. To wit:

I have had a three-month 'conversation' (it's really maybe been about a dozen posts and responses) and I have had no mention of exactly what financial assistance I can expect, that I would be signing a lease upon receiving the room that would be 'set up for you', or that the kid (literally... rock n' roll haircut, complicated shoes AND a fizzy drink) I have been working with on getting set up upon arrival is in NO way attached to the research project I will be working on and that all questions I have had with regards to the next ten weeks of my life that were trying to be proactively dealt with were being answered in a manner that placated me while apparently never raising confusion in this 20 year old GRAD student. ::shaking head:: DON'T PANIC!
Truth of it is that I've got a roof over my head, some peanut butter in the fridge and I bought a nice towel set today. I've gotta get through some pints now, y'know... safety first.